
V. Henrik

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V. Henrik (Kenneth Branagh), az újdonsült, fiatal angol király – aki trónvárományos korában a korhely Falstaff oldalán végbevitt kicsapongásaival szerzett magának kétes hírnevet – háborút indít a franciák ellen. Csodával határos módon legyőzi a túlerőben lévő ellenséget, elnyeri Katalin királykisasszony kezét és végül a korona is méltó helyre kerül.

Eredeti cím:

Henry V


Kenneth Branagh ++




2 óra 17 perc (137")


Dráma Életrajzi Háborús Történelmi

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IMDb Derek Jacobi Chorus
IMDb Kenneth Branagh King Henry V
IMDb Simon Shepherd Duke Humphrey of Gloucester
IMDb James Larkin Duke John of Bedford
IMDb Brian Blessed Duke Thomas Beaufort of Exeter
IMDb James Simmons Duke Edward of York
IMDb Paul Gregory Westmoreland
IMDb Charles Kay Archbishop of Canterbury
IMDb Alec McCowen Bishop of Ely
IMDb Fabian Cartwright Earl Richard of Cambridge
IMDb Stephen Simms Lord Henry Scroop
IMDb Jay Villiers Sir Thomas Grey
IMDb Edward Jewesbury Sir Thomas Erpingham
IMDb Ian Holm Captain Fluellen
IMDb Danny Webb Gower
IMDb Jimmy Yuill Jamy
IMDb John Sessions Macmorris
IMDb Shaun Prendergast Bates
IMDb Patrick Doyle Court
IMDb Michael Williams Williams
IMDb Richard Briers Lieutenant Bardolph
IMDb Geoffrey Hutchings Corporal Nym
IMDb Robert Stephens Auncient Pistol
IMDb Robbie Coltrane Sir John Falstaff
IMDb Christian Bale Robin the Luggage-Boy
IMDb Geraldine McEwan Alice
IMDb Judi Dench Mistress Nell Quickly
IMDb Paul Scofield King Charles VI of France
IMDb Michael Maloney Louis the Dauphin
IMDb Harold Innocent Duke Philippe of Burgundy
IMDb Richard Clifford Duke Charles of Orleans
IMDb Colin Hurley Grandpré
IMDb Richard Easton Constable Charles Delabreth
IMDb Christopher Ravenscroft Montjoy
IMDb Emma Thompson Princess Katherine de Valois
IMDb David Lloyd Meredith Governor of Harfleur
IMDb David Parfitt Messenger
IMDb Nicholas Ferguson Earl Richard Beauchamp of Warwick
IMDb Tom Whitehouse Sir John Talbot
IMDb Nigel Greaves Duke Jean of Berri
IMDb Julian Gartside Duke Jean of Bretagne
IMDb Mark Inman 1st Soldier
IMDb Chris Armstrong 2nd Soldier


IMDb Derek Jacobi Chorus
IMDb Kenneth Branagh King Henry V
IMDb Simon Shepherd Duke Humphrey of Gloucester
IMDb James Larkin Duke John of Bedford
IMDb Brian Blessed Duke Thomas Beaufort of Exeter
IMDb James Simmons Duke Edward of York
IMDb Paul Gregory Westmoreland
IMDb Charles Kay Archbishop of Canterbury
IMDb Alec McCowen Bishop of Ely
IMDb Fabian Cartwright Earl Richard of Cambridge
IMDb Stephen Simms Lord Henry Scroop
IMDb Jay Villiers Sir Thomas Grey
IMDb Edward Jewesbury Sir Thomas Erpingham
IMDb Ian Holm Captain Fluellen
IMDb Danny Webb Gower
IMDb Jimmy Yuill Jamy
IMDb John Sessions Macmorris
IMDb Shaun Prendergast Bates
IMDb Patrick Doyle Court
IMDb Michael Williams Williams
IMDb Richard Briers Lieutenant Bardolph
IMDb Geoffrey Hutchings Corporal Nym
IMDb Robert Stephens Auncient Pistol
IMDb Robbie Coltrane Sir John Falstaff
IMDb Christian Bale Robin the Luggage-Boy
IMDb Geraldine McEwan Alice
IMDb Judi Dench Mistress Nell Quickly
IMDb Paul Scofield King Charles VI of France
IMDb Michael Maloney Louis the Dauphin
IMDb Harold Innocent Duke Philippe of Burgundy
IMDb Richard Clifford Duke Charles of Orleans
IMDb Colin Hurley Grandpré
IMDb Richard Easton Constable Charles Delabreth
IMDb Christopher Ravenscroft Montjoy
IMDb Emma Thompson Princess Katherine de Valois
IMDb David Lloyd Meredith Governor of Harfleur
IMDb David Parfitt Messenger
IMDb Nicholas Ferguson Earl Richard Beauchamp of Warwick
IMDb Tom Whitehouse Sir John Talbot
IMDb Nigel Greaves Duke Jean of Berri
IMDb Julian Gartside Duke Jean of Bretagne
IMDb Mark Inman 1st Soldier
IMDb Chris Armstrong 2nd Soldier