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E. L. Doctorow világhírű regényét az Oscar-díjas cseh származású rendező, Milos Forman varázsolta hasonlóan remekmívű filmmé. A múlt század elején Amerikát meghódító szaggatott, improvizatív muzsika, a ragtime ütemére kavarognak a korszak jellegzetes figurái. Tanúi leszünk, amint egy önfejű milliomos csemete emberek százai előtt végez felesége korábbi szeretőjével, a neves építésszel, majd pillanatnyi elmezavarra hivatkozva elkerüli a büntetést. Szemünk előtt hullik darabokra egy hagyományos amerikai mintacsalád, ahol mindenki kedvenc „Öcsikéje” terroristának áll. Láthatjuk, amint a koldusszegény, angolul alig tudó kelet-európai zsidó bevándorló – porosz nemesi művésznéven – a némafilm egyik meghatározó rendezőjévé válik. És mindeközben ifjabb Coalhouse Walker, a szépreményű fekete bőrű zongorista folytatja elszánt küzdelmét az őt megalázó tűzoltóparancsnok ellen, melynek eredményeként ropognak a fegyverek New York utcáin

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Milos Forman +




2 óra 35 perc (155")



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IMDb James Cagney New York Police Commissioner Rhinelander Waldo
IMDb Brad Dourif Younger Brother
IMDb Moses Gunn Booker T. Washington
IMDb Elizabeth McGovern Evelyn Nesbit
IMDb Kenneth McMillan Willie Conklin
IMDb Pat O'Brien Delmas
IMDb Donald O'Connor Evelyn's Dance Instructor
IMDb James Olson Father
IMDb Mandy Patinkin Tateh
IMDb Howard E. Rollins Jr. Coalhouse Walker Jr.
IMDb Mary Steenburgen Mother
IMDb Debbie Allen Sarah
IMDb Jeffrey DeMunn Houdini
IMDb Robert Joy Henry Thaw
IMDb Norman Mailer Stanford White
IMDb Bruce Boa Jerome
IMDb Hoolihand Burke Brigit
IMDb Norman Chancer Gent No. 1 - Agent
IMDb Edwin Cooper Grandfather
IMDb Jeff Daniels P.C. O'Donnell
IMDb Fran Drescher Mameh
IMDb Frankie Faison Gang Member No. 1
IMDb Hal Galili Police Captain No. 1
IMDb Alan Gifford Judge
IMDb Richard Griffiths Delmas' Assistant No. 1
IMDb Samuel L. Jackson Gang Member No. 2
IMDb Michael Jeter Special Reporter
IMDb Calvin Levels Gang Member No. 3
IMDb Bessie Love Old Lady - T.O.C.
IMDb Christopher Malcolm Police Captain No. 2
IMDb Herman Meckler Vernon Elliott
IMDb Billy J. Mitchell Delmas' Assistant No. 2
IMDb Jenny Nichols Little Girl
IMDb Max Nichols Little Boy
IMDb Zack Norman Gent No. 2 - Manager
IMDb Eloise Taylor Mrs. Thaw
IMDb Don Plumley Inspector McNeil
IMDb Ted Ross Black Lawyer
IMDb Dorsey Wright Gang Member No. 4
IMDb Robert Arden Foreman of the Jury
IMDb Robert Boyd Teddy Roosevelt
IMDb Thomas A. Carlin Vice President Fairbanks
IMDb John Clarkson Plainclothes Detective No. 1
IMDb Brian F. Dean Fireman No. 1
IMDb Harry Ditson County Clerk
IMDb Robert Dorning Gent with Stanford White
IMDb Geoffrey Greenhill Police Guard - T.O.C.
IMDb Ray Hassett Policeman No. 12
IMDb Robert Hitt Plainclothes Detective No. 2
IMDb Rodney James Sleek Male Dancer
IMDb George Harris Band Leader - Clef Club
IMDb George J. Manos Novelty Shop Storeman
IMDb Val Pringle Clef Club Manager
IMDb Ron Weyand Dr. Muller
IMDb Sonny Abagnale Evelyn's Driver
IMDb John Alderson Waldo's Aide No. 1
IMDb Nesbitt Blaisdell Policeman No. 5
IMDb Chaim Blatter Rabbi
IMDb Donald Bisset J.P. Morgan
IMDb Josh Clark Fireman No. 3
IMDb Robert Coffin Desk Clerk
IMDb Patrick Connor Waldo's Aide No. 3
IMDb Joel Cutrara Policeman No. 11
IMDb Jake Dengel Fireman No. 2
IMDb Barry Dennen Stage Manager
IMDb Natalia Dobrer Woman No. 1
IMDb Daniel Foley Stock Reporter
IMDb Gretchen Franklin Elderly Woman
IMDb Pat Gorman Thug No. 2
IMDb Guy Gregory Black Butler No. 2
IMDb Dave Griffiths Thug No. 1
IMDb Jeff Harding Policeman No. 13
IMDb Robert Henderson Elderly Man
IMDb Colette Hiller Lawyer's Female Companion No. 1
IMDb Patrick M. Hughes Policeman No. 7
IMDb Elaine Ives-Cameron Lawyer's Female Companion No. 2
IMDb Andreas Katsulas Policeman #3
IMDb Douglas Lambert Police Sergeant
IMDb Pavel Landovský Solomon Peretz
IMDb Norris Mailer Lady with Stanford White
IMDb Derek Martin Waldo's Aide No. 2
IMDb Al Matthews Maitre D'
IMDb Stuart Milligan Marksman
IMDb Richard Oldfield Stock Reporter
IMDb Nelly Polissky Woman in Window
IMDb Mike Potter Thug No. 4
IMDb Anthony Powell Policeman No, 9
IMDb Ethan Phillips Guard at Family House
IMDb Joe Praml Policeman No. 8
IMDb John Ratzenberger Policeman
IMDb Bill Reimbold Gent No. 3 - Lawyer
IMDb Bob Sherman Policeman No. 10
IMDb Tony Sibbald Stock Reporter
IMDb Stan Simmons Thug No. 3
IMDb John Sterland Library Guard
IMDb Jan Tríska Special Reporter
IMDb Burnell Tucker Reporter
IMDb Britt Walker Black Butler No. 1
IMDb Peter Whitman Stock Reporter
IMDb Edward Wiley Conductor


IMDb James Cagney New York Police Commissioner Rhinelander Waldo
IMDb Brad Dourif Younger Brother
IMDb Moses Gunn Booker T. Washington
IMDb Elizabeth McGovern Evelyn Nesbit
IMDb Kenneth McMillan Willie Conklin
IMDb Pat O'Brien Delmas
IMDb Donald O'Connor Evelyn's Dance Instructor
IMDb James Olson Father
IMDb Mandy Patinkin Tateh
IMDb Howard E. Rollins Jr. Coalhouse Walker Jr.
IMDb Mary Steenburgen Mother
IMDb Debbie Allen Sarah
IMDb Jeffrey DeMunn Houdini
IMDb Robert Joy Henry Thaw
IMDb Norman Mailer Stanford White
IMDb Bruce Boa Jerome
IMDb Hoolihand Burke Brigit
IMDb Norman Chancer Gent No. 1 - Agent
IMDb Edwin Cooper Grandfather
IMDb Jeff Daniels P.C. O'Donnell
IMDb Fran Drescher Mameh
IMDb Frankie Faison Gang Member No. 1
IMDb Hal Galili Police Captain No. 1
IMDb Alan Gifford Judge
IMDb Richard Griffiths Delmas' Assistant No. 1
IMDb Samuel L. Jackson Gang Member No. 2
IMDb Michael Jeter Special Reporter
IMDb Calvin Levels Gang Member No. 3
IMDb Bessie Love Old Lady - T.O.C.
IMDb Christopher Malcolm Police Captain No. 2
IMDb Herman Meckler Vernon Elliott
IMDb Billy J. Mitchell Delmas' Assistant No. 2
IMDb Jenny Nichols Little Girl
IMDb Max Nichols Little Boy
IMDb Zack Norman Gent No. 2 - Manager
IMDb Eloise Taylor Mrs. Thaw
IMDb Don Plumley Inspector McNeil
IMDb Ted Ross Black Lawyer
IMDb Dorsey Wright Gang Member No. 4
IMDb Robert Arden Foreman of the Jury
IMDb Robert Boyd Teddy Roosevelt
IMDb Thomas A. Carlin Vice President Fairbanks
IMDb John Clarkson Plainclothes Detective No. 1
IMDb Brian F. Dean Fireman No. 1
IMDb Harry Ditson County Clerk
IMDb Robert Dorning Gent with Stanford White
IMDb Geoffrey Greenhill Police Guard - T.O.C.
IMDb Ray Hassett Policeman No. 12
IMDb Robert Hitt Plainclothes Detective No. 2
IMDb Rodney James Sleek Male Dancer
IMDb George Harris Band Leader - Clef Club
IMDb George J. Manos Novelty Shop Storeman
IMDb Val Pringle Clef Club Manager
IMDb Ron Weyand Dr. Muller
IMDb Sonny Abagnale Evelyn's Driver
IMDb John Alderson Waldo's Aide No. 1
IMDb Nesbitt Blaisdell Policeman No. 5
IMDb Chaim Blatter Rabbi
IMDb Donald Bisset J.P. Morgan
IMDb Josh Clark Fireman No. 3
IMDb Robert Coffin Desk Clerk
IMDb Patrick Connor Waldo's Aide No. 3
IMDb Joel Cutrara Policeman No. 11
IMDb Jake Dengel Fireman No. 2
IMDb Barry Dennen Stage Manager
IMDb Natalia Dobrer Woman No. 1
IMDb Daniel Foley Stock Reporter
IMDb Gretchen Franklin Elderly Woman
IMDb Pat Gorman Thug No. 2
IMDb Guy Gregory Black Butler No. 2
IMDb Dave Griffiths Thug No. 1
IMDb Jeff Harding Policeman No. 13
IMDb Robert Henderson Elderly Man
IMDb Colette Hiller Lawyer's Female Companion No. 1
IMDb Patrick M. Hughes Policeman No. 7
IMDb Elaine Ives-Cameron Lawyer's Female Companion No. 2
IMDb Andreas Katsulas Policeman #3
IMDb Douglas Lambert Police Sergeant
IMDb Pavel Landovský Solomon Peretz
IMDb Norris Mailer Lady with Stanford White
IMDb Derek Martin Waldo's Aide No. 2
IMDb Al Matthews Maitre D'
IMDb Stuart Milligan Marksman
IMDb Richard Oldfield Stock Reporter
IMDb Nelly Polissky Woman in Window
IMDb Mike Potter Thug No. 4
IMDb Anthony Powell Policeman No, 9
IMDb Ethan Phillips Guard at Family House
IMDb Joe Praml Policeman No. 8
IMDb John Ratzenberger Policeman
IMDb Bill Reimbold Gent No. 3 - Lawyer
IMDb Bob Sherman Policeman No. 10
IMDb Tony Sibbald Stock Reporter
IMDb Stan Simmons Thug No. 3
IMDb John Sterland Library Guard
IMDb Jan Tríska Special Reporter
IMDb Burnell Tucker Reporter
IMDb Britt Walker Black Butler No. 1
IMDb Peter Whitman Stock Reporter
IMDb Edward Wiley Conductor